Nisco Museum

The Nisco Museum

The full name of this place may sound pompus, but the Nisco Museum of Mechanical Music and Music Boxes is actually one of the most surprising and enchanted places in Ein Hod (and the entire galaxy). Museum founder Nisan Cohen spent the past 40 odd years collecting dozens of music boxes and strange musical instruments from all over the world. Here, they are presented in a fascinating display of mechanical music instruments, some of which are more than 100 years old.

At Nisco Museum you can see and hear one of the world’s finest collections of antique music pieces – including musical-boxes, an automatic organ, a piano that can imitate famous pianists, ancient gramophones, and antique records.

Guided tours and private concerts are held on demand. Please, book ahead.

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The Nisco Museum of Mechanical Music

Opening Hours   sun- Sat 10:00-15:00

Tickets – 40 nis per adult

30 nis per kid.

For tour booking and more info call Nisan:


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